Paul Harris Fellow Recognition
The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.
Erie recipients of this recognition:
Allshouse, Robert H -- PHF
Appletree, Kenneth L -- PHF
Arkwright, Bruce -- PHF
Baldwin, John R -- PHF + 8
*Beckman, Charles R -- PHF + 5
Bharwani, Ishwer -- PHF
Billig, Wayne G -- PHF
Black, Samuel P -- PHF
Blakeslee, John G -- PHF
Blatt, George -- PHF
Bloomstine, Chris -- PHF + 1
Bloomstine, John C -- PHF + 1
Bloomstine, William C -- PHF + 2
Bort, Betsy C -- PHF + 1
Bort, Dennis -- PHF
Bougie, James A -- PHF
Briggs, David -- PHF
Briggs, Lewis T -- PHF + 8
Brinling, John J -- PHF + 1
Carpenedo, Paul -- PHF
Carroll, Richard E -- PHF + 1
Conner, William B -- PHF + 1
Corapi, John L -- PHF
Corapi, Tommasina -- PHF
Corson, William H -- PHF
Dahlkemper, Mary Ellen -- PHF + 2
DeLuca, Richard P -- PHF + 3
*Dockstader, E. Stanley -- PHF + 2
Doupe, David W -- PHF
*Durst, Harold A -- PHF + 2
Durst, Margaret B -- PHF
Eck, James R -- PHF
*Fatica, Jack L -- PHF + 8
Fish, Henry E -- PHF
Flick, Gary -- PHF + 2
*Forsyth, Edgar R -- PHF
Fuhrman, Michael J -- PHF
Garvey, William P -- PHF
Glermak, Chester F -- PHF
Griswold, Tracy -- PHF
Grunden, Reed F -- PHF
Harf, Walter O -- PHF + 1
Herbert, Joseph P -- PHF
Hight, Robert S -- PHF
Horan, Kathleen A -- PHF + 2
Horstman-Burton, Karen -- PHF
*James, J Douglas -- PHF
Kaliszewski, Susan E -- PHF
Kennedy, Mary Beth -- PHF
Kern, Bruce -- PHF
Knoll, Arlene -- PHF
*Knoll, Christopher -- PHF + 2
Koble, Wayne M -- PHF
Kuebler, J Clarke -- PHF
*Kuhl, Alton S -- PHF
Lastowski, David M -- PHF
Lechtner, Richard M -- PHF
Lesser, Edward A -- PHF
Lillis, William L -- PHF
Louis, F Brady -- PHF + 2
Louis Mark B -- PHF + 1
Lovercheck, Wayne L -- PHF
Lyons, Thomas E -- PHF
Magnuson, Philip L -- PHF + 1
Martin, James W -- PHF + 1
McBrier, James P -- PHF + 7
McCracken, Phyllis -- PHF
Merwin, Robert F -- PHF
Miller, Joyce A -- PHF
Minnaugh, Joseph A -- PHF
Mitchell, Kent W -- PHF + 1
Monsalve, Elisabeth -- PHF + 1
Monsalve, Marco A -- PHF
Mueller, Harry E -- PHF + 1
Murphy, David J -- PHF
Naughton, J Gordon -- PHF + 1
Neithamer, Calvin D -- PHF + 3
*Neithamer, Grace Tarno -- PHF
Nelson, Robert A -- PHF + 1
New, Larry L -- PHF + 1
Norman, Ronald R -- PHF
Parr, James H -- PHF + 1
*Plasha, Frank -- PHF
Pytlarz, Terry -- PHF
Ridge, Michele M -- PHF + 1
Roos, John A -- PHF + 1
*Root, Paul B -- PHF
Rouch, Jacob A -- PHF
Rydzewski, Norbert A -- PHF + 1
Sammartino, Raymond J -- PHF
Saunders, Robert L -- PHF
Schaney, C Raymond -- PHF
Scottino, Joseph P -- PHF
*Sessions, Guy M -- PHF + 1
Sinden, Harry O -- PHF + 8
Sinden, Heather E -- PHF
Sinden, Jennifer A -- PHF
Sinden, Martha B -- PHF
Snow, R. Anthony -- PHF
Snyderwine, Robert C -- PHF + 1
Stark, Maria A -- PHF
Stark, Norman A -- PHF
Stark, Norman H -- PHF + 3
Stockard, John P -- PHF
*Stolley, John S -- PHF + 3
Stone, Donna J -- PHF
*Stuart, Robert B -- PHF + 8
Swanson, Brodie G -- PHF
Tabolt, Gerald S -- PHF
Tofel II, David -- PHF
Tupitza, Thomas -- PHF
Underhill, William L -- PHF
Valimont, Anastasia -- PHF
Van Geem, J. Delmar -- PHF
Warner, Brenda -- PHF
Watkins, Lisa A -- PHF + 1
Wellejus, Edward T -- PHF
Wilkinson, Linda J -- PHF
Wilson, John D -- PHF + 1
Witherspoon, Melvin -- PHF
Zilhaver, Karen J -- PHF
Zurn, Roger W -- PHF + 1
Zymm, Norm -- PHF